You of the loud belly laughs and contagious smiles.
You who have been the only one, one of one, utterly undone.
You who ackNOWledge that our World is in dire need of LOVE.
You who are suspicious of hierarchies and « so-called » structures.
You who come from diVERSE-cultures, considered like “messy” vultures.
You who come from code switching, BEwitching swords, of words spoken.
You who leak out of pores, feel the uncertain shores, and spread like spores.
You whose eYES long for, liminal spaces; sensitive to lies and what is dormant.
You who shudder at thick sKIN, and huddle with KIN, not next in line, yet drawn within.
You kNOW who You are?
You are my KIND of BEING.
Welcome to my UniVERSE.
I support seekers, to expand, explore, and express their SOUL GIFTS, and SHINE.
I offer reSOURCEs that are practical, embodied, ritualistic, compassionate and enJOYable.
I deLIVEr BEspoke invitations in diVERSE communities and 1:1 EARTH-HEART intentions support.
LOVE is served so You take up, hold and save space, for yourself and others.
SIGNature style of BEspoke ways that are BEholden to EARTH.
Plain Speaking - if You are seeing this You are ready for more. EMIT LOVE in full disPLAY.
Simple - You have never experienced this pART of You either. TIME to truly stART to PLAY.
ONE with You.
I prepare JOY seekers, through spiritual teachings, to face tensions, and feel the transitions.
I SERVE LOVE to SOULS in 1:1 BEspoke invitations and emergent Group initiations.
I embody my EARTH-HEART praxis.
I cherish BEING able to say:
“My presence is healing.”
For references, please see TRANSFORMATION page.
Thank You for BEING.
Starting 25 January 2025
Welcome to DROP
An online sacred ellipse space lovingly held by Yolanda Sokiri.
The intention of this 7 week encounter is FEELING into the WAY your SOUL supports You.
PleaSURE and Sensuality
A combination of input from DIVA (my SOUL nature and name that claimed me) and all DROPlets.
personal sharings,
sovereign invitations,
guided visualisations,
meditations, silence,
sacred AfriKan medicine,
SOUL JOY activations.
HUMANe permission-sLIP.
We explore being present to ourselves, to others, the presence of the Land and all that she holds and the presence of the Divine within and without.
Planning an intimate small group, this TIME, max 12 of us including me.
WHO SHOWS up HERE in this sPACE?
WHO kNOW the pleaSURE of “I DROP my mASK”
Sensitive Souls;
Shattering any BS;
Seekers of BElonging;
Strangers to keep it REAL;
Someone as a thought-pARTner;
Stretching your vulnerable voice;
Sacred mission that needs depth and more;
Splintered 2 legged creatures with far too little fur.
Specific: feral is not wild, metabolism is not digestion.
SUNLIGHT to nourish, You, MOON BEAMS to caress.
, plus the dark, fertile field of EARTH-HEART practices:
“to figure it out, we gather, together” kin.
2 tribes will gather at different TIMEs.
Trusting in the perfection of whoever gathers
together in the space - that’s what makes each
group what it is.
We have work to do.
Prophetic preparation is required.
The TIME is NOW. ONE day becomes day ONE.
We meet over the course of seven weeks with a break for integration half way through - so no session on 15 February 2025 , and finish on 8 March 2025.
11:30 am until 12:45 pm CEST on Zoom.
8:30 pm until 9:45 pm CEST on Zoom.
Week 1 - Introduction to Process Prep. - DROP 25 Jan
Week 2 - Intentional Teaching - D 1 Feb
Week 3 - Imaginative Teaching - R 8 Feb
Week 4 - Integration - NO Zoom 20 15 Feb
Week 5 - Intentional Teaching O 22 Feb
Week 6 - Intentional Teaching P 1 March
Week 7 - Initiation to Celebrate Closure - DROP 8 March
DROP, calls on …
Devotion WORK
ReSERVING & Remembering
ObSERVING and Opportunities
PreSERVING (e)invisible / silent WAYs.
The DUST + DROP Experience:
“I look back a few month and I realize: Yolanda has noted me early on. Somehow at every step I did, entering this world, she was near.
I don’t feel pushed, although I am pretty sure she does that. I don’t feel led, and yes, I strongly suspect she does that, too. If anything, I feel pulled.
Through her gentle and not-so-gentle pulling, I am giving birth to myself as a monster, a collage of possibilities. How should I describe it? The way she keeps a space open for me to tinker. She changes the light, so everyhing looks so strange and new. She changes the scenery so I find myself in unknown territory. And she makes me feel her protective presence. All this emboldens me.
When the student is ready, the teacher will find him, it is said. A year ago, I would not have been able to process anything that happens when Yolanda speaks. I don’t think that I understand much, but I can feel myself processing.
Does she know that I ask myself: What if she’s right?
Waht if there really is a world out there that I am in communion with? I mean, really? What then, if every move I make, or don’t make, has ripple effects througout the universe? How can I navigate through a world like this? How can I even move a finger?
And yet, it’s the moves that I don’t make that scare me the most. I need to press forward. I feel held every step of the way. I imagine, when I do something scary, she is right beside me, nuding me to do the next step and the next, whispering in my ear: You got this.
If I turned back now, I would find only ashes.
She says,and I know it to be true: it’s far too late for this.
Yolanda, do you know how I tremble when you say: It’s time, man. Spread your wings.
It’s a sacred fear I did not know existed. You did this.
Thank you thank you , thank you.” - Ulrich Sommer
Starting January 24, 2025.
Welcome to NEST
An online sacred ellipse space lovingly held by Megan Hayne and Yolanda Sokiri.
We are two women, of the EARTH.
We are of diverse backgrounds.
We treasure the play in this HEARTfelt friendship.
We welcome coexistence in this space.
Are You ready to step into your COURAGE?
What is NEST?
A structured space for existing together with LOVE.
A space curated across time for deep healing.
A space to work your “I don’t know” muscles.
Who is here?
Parents, Teachers, Seekers of Truth and Belonging, People Investing in Themselves.
People ready to face the Unspeakable, Impossible.
People Riding the Arc as embodied, folks BEING aLIVE.
Perphaps those of You who want deepen connections with strangers.
Perphaps even, in the company of those who LOOK and appear different/ly/ to You.
Folks who want to perceive, think, imagine, and express in more inspired, poetic ways
People who are conscious of creating a devoted time to relate, with self and strangers.
Beautiful marginalised, stretched, voices that are here to learn more indigenous ways.
Gentle way-showers that connect to the “we don’t plant trees, we birth forests” knowing
Curious vessels that belong to the dark, fertile field as “figure it out together” kin.
Serious seekers awakening to their true nature, new-now, story-lovers.
Sensitive SOULS who dream of SOUL-nourishment, human connection, and JOY.
People who bring a friend, highly encouraged, given that we have centered our relationship for this co-weaving.
Ask us, in the quiet hours, what changes, or now what?
We be. You are. That’s it. Modelling our flawed, flavoured, unforgettable “emergence”.
We (us and You) shall not be the same, at the end of our first 6 months.
It’s not enough, that we come from different storylines, look different, and think in diverse ways.
Actions of this form are rhizomatic, radiant, rhythmic, real remembering, sacred rest.
We have work to do. Prophetic preparation is required.
Fridays biweekly for 40 minutes @ 7 pm CET.
Online co-working sessions on off weeks.
Online Community remains accessible by You 24/7.
Mighty Network and Zoom
Where You are
Join us! We start January 24, 2025
Starting 25 February 2025
We meet over the course of seven weeks with a break for integration half way through - so no session on 18 March 2025 , and finish on 8 April 2025.
11:30 am until 12:45 pm CEST on Zoom.
8:30 pm until 9:45 pm CEST on Zoom.
Week 1 - Introduction to Process Prep. - DUST 25 Feb
Week 2 - Intentional Teaching - D 4 March
Week 3 - Imaginative Teaching - U 11 March
Week 4 - Integration - NO Zoom 20 18 March
Week 5 - Intentional Teaching S 25 March
Week 6 - Intentional Teaching T 1 April
Week 7 - Initiation to Celebrate Closure - DUST 8 April
DUST, calls on our interdependent…
Unconditional LOVE
Sacred & Scared Selves
Trust in the Presence of JOY.
It is deeply experiential, as always.
Starting 25 February 2025
Welcome to DUST
A sacred Self Paced + LIGHT touch online space lovingly held by Yolanda Sokiri.
The intention of this 7 weeks is SEEING the WAY your SOUL supports You.
Presence and Sovereignty
Input from DIVA (my SOUL nature and name that claimed me) via weekly audios.
Input from DUST MITEs via ongoing WhatsApp space and Mighty Networks Community.
personal sharings,
sovereign invitations,
guided visualisations,
meditations, silence,
sacred AfriKan medicine,
SOUL JOY activations.
HUMANe permission-sLIP.
We explore being present to ourselves, to others, the presence of the Land and all that she holds and the presence of the Divine within and without.
Planning for an innovative, intentional, inquisitive group, this TIME, max 12 of us including me.
WHO SHOWS up HERE in this sPACE?
WHO kNEW the stRANGE “Worlds apART” BEtWEen
Sensitive SOULS;
Shaken yet not stirred;
NEW Seekers of CommUNITY;
Nobility of Strangers who keep it REAL;
Someone as a thought-pARTner, your pAIR/trio
2 tribes will gather at different TIMEs.
Trusting in the perfection of whoever gathers together in the space - that’s what makes each group what it is.
We have work to do.
Prophetic preparation is required.
The TIME is NOW. ONE day becomes day ONE.