About Yolanda.
Poet . Teacher . Speaker .
Poet : Signature Style rooted in Ubuntu power and child-like FREEDOM.
Teacher : Serving Afrikan indigeneity anchored in deep, dark feminine JOY.
Speaker : Sharing TIMEless LOVE from my UniVERSE into the WORLD, ONE WORD at a TIME.
Initiated medicine woman : Pioneer of EARTH-HEART, practices & Founder of “Welcome Home” SOUL School.
I BElieve that “stories“ can “store ease” in our HUMAN experiences through the BODY, MIND and SOUL.
I BElieve in the three stages of growth: treason, reason and season.
I BElieve in… taking up space, holding space, and saving space.
I BElieve in imaginative, inspiring and innovative new resources that support the full expression of our HUMANity.
I translate the silent codes, LISTEN, for colour ways to transmute lilts into still context-based healing.
I facilitate international, intergenerational, inquiry-led integral transformation invitations.
I form constellations that LOVE EARTH, HEARTfelt, SOUL kNOWing “scared is sacred” praxis.
I am a living poem
I am a loving prayer
I am a learning pARTner
I am a luscious pathWAY
Yolanda has situated herself within the intersectionality of sacred expression, spirituality, shape-shifting
futures and social change.
Paying homage to the AfriKan oral tradition, ode and free verse traditions, she is a storyweaver whose WORDs
soften sharp edges, serve expanding heritages and speak of invisible eternal LIFE forces that connect us to ALL.
Curating spacious processes anchored in ancestral presence, You experience her as a one of a KIND, practical
wisdom, aligned feminine BEing and attuned communicator.
Yolanda demystifies the complex and nuanced business of BEing Divinely HUMANe.
Her offerings are intentionally deSIGNed for nourishment, with an extra splash of “je ne sait quoi”, radically
renewed depth and breadth that is devotional care.
There is an ART to BEing You! You are ART. You are an ART PEACE.
Join any of her offerings to explore EASE: Encouragement AND Sacred Embodiment.
Yolanda is passionate about working with You, established and emergent LEADers, who are reexamining
relationships with the more-than-HUMAN world and seeding the foundations for our cultural and collective
“PEACE is a state of BEING.
I LEARNt through the many exAMPLEs below; that ONE must feel anchored, and BE with trusted support, to
navigate chaotic calm, complexity and changes.
When I felt at a loss, these BEings, made me «see» I was not forgotten by a lake shore.
Their encouragement hERAlded a NEW_NOW ERA, which I fondly REFER to as:
The ERA of the EAR.
Pink Flamingo, Stars,
Elephant, Moon,
A Rose, Venus,
Crocodile, Sun,
Eventually ALL EARTH.
Weeping Willow,
Baobab, Oaks, Rainbows, vulnERAble colours: speak of the unseen, and stream of the unspeakable,
the NO-THING, NOW-HERE, that is Green, Black, Blue, Yellow, sacRED, primary reSOURCE, purple, complementary,
pink, hues and gold, deLIGHT, expressive, expansive, experienced as NEW each TIME.
Grand Mother Spirit Kilimanjaro, Crystals,
mole hills and Mountains in general.
Shells, of snails, restored in Kabanda Ka Bibi (my Grandmother’s Hut - or was it her exposed HEART?)
and the one I found by the sea, that both knew, of Winds that move things, then settle, over them, within and
without, as she rem-embers, other (more tend-er) kin…including ME.
My poetry is prACTice.
My contemplative photography is ART.
My dRAWings are considered surrREAL,
by some, abstrACT, by others.
In right relationship, with each of the above,
each sacred enCOUNTer reintroduces JOY as a kNOWing
that is both your SOUL RITE & HUMANe right.
As I say, « we can’t do it right, we can’t do it wrong, as You are BEING with what is, for NOW. »
“ …loneliness is a HUMAN invention. Trees are never lonely. Humans think they know with certainty where their
being ends and someone else’s starts. With their roots tangled and caught up underground, linked to fungi and
bacteria, trees harbour no such illusions. For us, everything is interconnected.”
- Elif Shafak, The Island of Missing Trees 🌴 🌳”
Eldest, only girl, of Fausta and Andrew Sokiri, first generation child of a refugee.
Born in Dar Es Salaam, "Home of Peace" Tanzania, raised by the magnanimous Kilimanjaro and the migratory Nile.
Praised in several countries. A diasporic seed whose deeds have surfaced, like LIFE, in unexpected places:
Lesotho, Iran, France and England, to state just four.
Yolanda is a BSc Sociologist, MBA award-winning pioneer in social-justice.
She is also a Common Purpose LEADer, and AMI Montessori Teacher, who reimagines indigenous WORLD views.
If I was granted the permission to create a global mission for ALL, using only six numbers, they would BE:
1+3=4 and 8x2 = 16.
United Nations SDGs https://sdgs.un.org/goals .
If I had the means to shout, from the roof-tops, a sum of WORDs, of MINE, they would BE:
LOVE is the core of the UniVERSE.
This is the indivisible information and visible invitation I am devoted to deLIVEring.
If You spend TIME with ME,
I have recently LEARNt, that
I appear to repeat: