Meet & Embrace

Some of my Teachers

I practice, BEfore proceeding with any action, calling on LOVE energies that YES, are shapeless in form,

YET they inform ME, and make it possible for ME to pray, play and praise (honour with easé). 

YES, You Exist SOUL

Asante Sana Mungu!

I pray with my Angels, Black Madonna, other than HUMAN Creatures, BEings and Guardians of LOVE.

I praise my healed Ancestors, plus Animal and Plant KIN, for blessing the Soil I walk on and the SKINS that are ME.

I praise my Grand-Parents for GIFTing ME the Power to think and Serenity to act differently.

I praise my Parents, who taught ME to embrace my Presence and accept my Sovereignty

I praise my Children, biological Siblings and SOUL KIN who teach ME to BE the change I see.

praise all those who have preserved ME from the worst in ME and the few that like ME.

I praise Wisdom-Keepers and Mother EARTH for supporting ME to create my UniVERSE . 

I am protected, prepared and preSERVEd by a Great ORigINal DeSIGNer preSENT in You and ME.

In my UniVERSE tHERE is

An ART to BEing HUMANe.

silent HUMAN _ listen SOUL


“I have the nerve

to walk my OWN WAY…”

•⁠ ⁠Zora Neale Hurston